
We had a big milestone on Wednesday. Cady and I were getting ready to leave for school in the morning. Brennyn was still at work, as she worked a mid the night before. The entryway light was still on, and ever the environmentalist, Cady pointed it out to me. Then, she reached as HARD as she could to turn it off (pushing it up in this case as there are 2 switches for the light)…and did it!

Since it was a little higher then, I asked if she could please turn it back on. She repeated it again, just reaching the up-turned switch by what seemed like a molecule. We both celebrated and laughed at how tall she is now. I told her to make sure she showed mommy her new trick when she picked her up that afternoon. She forgot.

When we got to school that morning, she wanted to try and reach the dome light in my car. She wasn’t even close. She’s still learning that not all light switches were created equally.


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