Time for your close-up, Smudgy

This is a late post, as we‘ve just set up our little blog here

…back on the 10th of this month, Brennyn and I went for the first ultrasound of Smudgy, the baby. We found out that the Smudgester was only 6 weeks and 1 day old on that day – which makes it 7 weeks and 6 days today.

I make light of the day by calling our baby “Smudgy” (just look at the photo, for God’s sake), but it was one of the most exciting days I can remember. Seeing the heartbeat for the first time was simply amazing. Something just surged through me when I saw that flicker. Brennyn might tell you I was just a little gassy – but, I think it was something a little more profound. Not that gas didn’t play a roll – but it was likely only a very small one.

Our next ultrasound is scheduled for next Tuesday, the 29th of December. We’ll be 8 weeks and 6 days along then.

2 thoughts on “Time for your close-up, Smudgy

  1. I love this, Corey! What a great idea. Thank you for putting this together so we can all keep up with Smudgy’s progress. I am anxious to get a good report on the 29th of December, and by that time Brennyn will be 2/3rds of the way through this first trimester, which is usually the queasiest, moodiest, and in general, most stressful. Thank you for being the loving, supportive husband you are.

  2. Oh my sweet baby Cady girl! Let me tell you about how your little life began. Your daddy and I had decided that we were ready for a baby, we had been together almost 4 years and it seemed like a good time. I stopped my birth control pill in March of 2009 and nothing happened for several months. I decided that maybe I needed to intervene and I got ovulation test kits that would tell me when my egg was released.

    After several weeks of doing the testing everyday, I began to get positive results on the tests and your daddy and I began trying for you. Days passed and your daddy went to Milan, to see his family for the week before Thanksgiving and mommy couldn’t wait for him to return. I had been taking pregnancy tests for a few days waiting to see if I was pregnant. I wasn’t sure when I was suppose to have my period and therefore didn’t know I was late so I tested frequently.

    I was working the Sunday that daddy was coming home from Indiana, and I took a pregnancy test just like I had every night before. I laid the test down on the counter and watched tv before going into look at the test after forgetting about it for a while. To my surprise there was a faint line. I was shocked and amazed and didn’t know what to do. What if it was wrong?! I was suppose to test in the mornings and since I did it at night the test could be wrong. I needed to know for sure. I shuffled around the living room frantically looking for my keys. My mind was racing, it was a surreal moment. I went to the store up the street to buy a real pregnancy test. I think I bought at least 2 and I raced home. I wanted to call your grandma and daddy so bad but I needed to know for sure! Both of the other tests were also positive. At this point I was pretty sure.

    Now it was a waiting game. I was trying to think of ways to tell daddy about it but wasn’t sure how. I knew that my alcohol drinking days were over and I had just bought a large bottle of wine that day while talking to grandma. I finally decided to take the first pregnancy test and tape it to that bottle of wine. When daddy came home I could hardly contain myself and stayed in the other room when he called out at me as he was coming in the door. I went into the bathroom and called out to him to get me a glass a wine and I would be out in just a minute. To my surprise he brought me a glass of wine without saying a word. My mouth dropped and I asked him, “You didn’t notice anything?” And he said no. I took him back into the kitchen and took out the wine and showed him the test. The test looked very similar to the ovulation test and he said, “What does this mean, what does this mean?” And I think he said, are we going to have a baby. And I said yes and he picked me up and spun me around! We were so happy and we spent the rest of the night just thinking about you and fantasizing about our baby and how our lives were going to change.

    We could not have asked for a better baby and we are so thankful that you are in our lives. We count our blessings everyday. We love you so much Cady! Mommy XOXO

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