Decidedly un-scientific gender test…

…it’s a boy! …at least according to a $25 box of chemicals. Brennyn says that Gupta (CNN guy) swears by it, but neither of us are putting too much stock in the result. The company itself only claims about 80% accuracy. In either case, it’s fun! Brennyn took it before work today, and left the result on the bathroom counter for me.

There’s a CNN video below about it…
Embedded video from CNN Video

My baby’s a plum!

Yeah. A LARGE plum.

Might explain Brennyn’s extra gas.

From What to Expect When You’re Expecting:

By now, your baby weighs a full half-ounce and is about the size of a large plum. Most of his systems are in place, though there’s still plenty of maturing to do. For one thing, his fetal digestive system is beginning to practice contraction movements so he can eat someday, and his bone marrow is busy making white blood cells — weapons against germs once he’s out of your safe haven. The pituitary gland (at the base of the brain) has started producing the hormones that’ll enable him (or her) to make babies of his (or her) own in a couple of decades or so. If all these changes sound dizzying, that may just be you dealing with yet another problematic pregnancy symptom: Lots of women experience occasional dizziness and/or feel faint due to progesterone, which causes increased blood flow to your baby by relaxing your own blood vessels. More blood flow to baby means less blood flow to your body and brain and that, along with typically lower blood-sugar levels during pregnancy, can set your world a-spinning. Do your part to keep your equilibrium by eating regularly, getting adequate rest, and standing up slowly.

11 week tummy!

10 weeks and 5 days. Corey has been bugging me for several weeks to do a shirtless tummy picture and up until recently there really wasn’t a whole lot to see but VIOLA.  I’m in my “nursing” bra that I wear in order to keep things wrangled at night to reduce pain and some workout pants.  Things are getting a little bumpy down there and the baby is the size of a LIME!  My head is cut out mainly due to my Medusa morning hair and strange yet distant look on my face.  Clothing is definitely tighter and my bellaband is coming in use when I need to unbutton my pants.  More pictures to come over the next weeks.  Appointment with the OB-GYN on Thursday!

9 Weeks Ultrasound Day

Today has been a very, very good day so far.

I don’t think I’d admitted to myself, how anxious I’ve been to hear that the baby’s heart rate had accelerated like it was supposed to until today. Once we heard the nurse tell us “153 beats per minute” – I almost let out a yelp of excitement and relief. Instead – I just cried a little. …so did Brennyn. We were so happy…I don’t think either of us would have expected to feel much better…until the nurse jostled Brennyn’s tummy a little, and the baby moved! Bobbed it’s head a little. Wow! It was really, really amazing. That little thing is really in there! Doing things!

We went in the office with a light rain falling, and very anxious, and we left the office floating – happy, relieved, excited, and met with a beautiful late-December snowfall. Now we’re home sitting by a warm fire while the snow falls outside. What a great day.