Two Month Shots

Cady’s 2 months shots were yesterday. She was set to get 5 shots. Luckily, they were out of one vaccine that we have to come back next week for. So: 20% less screaming. The shots themselves yielded some hellacious screams (see video below), but it wasn’t until Brennyn went home, I went back to work, and Cady was startled awake from her nap by the cleaning lady that the real action started. Brennyn called me at work with Cady screaming some screams that could only signal the End of Times. So, I left work early, called the doctor on the way home, and stopped to pick up some infant Tylenol at Kroger. Cady was a lot better by the time I got home…but only while she was eating. As soon as I would touch her, she would erupt again. So, we pulled off her Band-Aids, and gave her some Tylenol, and she finished eating. Soon she was snoozing, and was sleeping like a crazy woman through the rest of the evening and overnight.


Cady loves Moby…not the whale or the “artist”.

Brennyn has done an awesome job decorating Cady’s room…but we’ve been putting off putting up one of the final touches: Cady’s name. We got that taken care of this weekend, and we really like it.

The monkey (Cady) loves books, and tonight we read “The Very Busy Spider” to her tonight…which is awesome, because she falls DEEP asleep by the end of the book. We then lay her in her bed, and she was a good, good sleepy girl.