Category: Trimester 2
Taters is Back from Hawaii
…oh. Brennyn and I came home too. Check out our slide show (or look below)!
23 Weeks Belly and the New Pink
I took yet another belly photo last night. I think Brennyn might be getting sick of it – and I was given strict orders as to what I needed to crop out of the image. Ha! Below, is also a photo from our nursery-in-the-works. The original pink that we picked out, turned out to be […]
22 Weeks Ultrasound
Woah! It’s (still) a girl! We also checked out a daycare today. A nice place…but we’ll see.
19 Weeks and 3 Days Tummy
A couple of new photos of my babymomma. …and Cady is still kicking up a storm.