Peeing happily…then rolling to safety

I got out of work a little early today in advance of New Year’s. Brennyn, Cady, and I hit the sushi place. The pics of Cady in the buff capture her peeing on the floor (smiling), and then rolling away from the mess. I had placed a cloth underneath her, stupidly expecting it to not […]

Cady’s 4 Month-ish Check-up

Cady’s 4 month-ish check-up/shots went great today. Doc quantified the perfection I sensed 😛 Development, size, eating: all perfecto! Unfortunately, the doc also marveled at how much she looks like me. Despite that – I still think she’s gorgeous. The picture of Cady in a shopping cart is from our trip to Wal-Mart yesterday 😀

Cady and Daddy Day Dec. 5, 2010

I’ll keep a log for you here today. Brennyn. I know you miss your little monkey. Cady’s 5AM gorging must have set her for a while, because she didn’t get up until 9:50am! Good stuff. …then 6 oz. of mommy juice from a bottle. Now (10:50am) we’re dressed and ready for a trip to Lowes […]