Cadence Ellie Pieper

Brennyn and I have decided on “Ellie” as our upcoming little girl’s middle name.

That name has a special place in our hearts. On mine and Brennyn’s first date, I brought a DVD that I’d bought for her: Monty Python’s Life of Brian. I thought it was a good idea, since we were both Monty Python fans, and she’d never seen it. We decided to watch it at her house. Problem was, that it didn’t have subtitles, and Brennyn was addicted to subtitles at the time. Seeing as how Monty Python is inundated with thick British accents – it just made things worse. So, we decided to watch another movie. That movie was Contact, which was one of both of our favorite movies. That was just another in a disturbing series of things that we found in common with one-another in a very short amount of time. In fact, we had so many things in common that at one point, I thought Brennyn was making things up to make it seem like we had more in common than we really did! She wasn’t…but I digress. Though all we did that night was meet at Chili’s (that’s another story in and of itself) and then watch Contact at her house – it was one of the best, most memorable nights of my life – and we actually just talked, and talked.

The main character in Contact, is named Ellie, and played by Jodie Foster.

2 thoughts on “Cadence Ellie Pieper

  1. What a perfect middle name and a perfect story to tell Cadence Ellie over and over again. I have never tired of hearing my dad’s story about the first time he saw me and I know this very special story will be among Cady’s favorites to hear. Thank you for sharing that with us.

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